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Mistakes to Avoid During a Personal Injury Claim


Being injured in an accident is an overwhelming and traumatic experience and, unfortunately, the trouble never ends there. As you begin the process of filing your personal injury claim, you will encounter some obstacles and, if you are not careful, any number of possible mistakes can derail your chances of obtaining the fair and just compensation you deserve to cover the costs of your injuries. Before you proceed any further down the claims process, make sure you reach out to a skilled personal injury attorney who will effectively represent you and fight on your behalf.

Below is a list of some of the most common mistakes made during a personal injury claim that you should avoid:

  • Assuming you are not entitled to compensation because you were partially at fault: It is not uncommon for people to believe that, just because they are partially at fault for an accident, that they are no longer entitled to any compensation. Even if you are partially at fault for an accident, it is still possible for you to recover damages, though they will be reduced in proportion to the percentage of fault.
  • Giving a recorded statement: You might feel obligated to provide a recorded statement when the insurance adjuster that represents the company of the at-fault party requests one, but you are actually under no obligation to fulfill this request. In fact, it is in your best interest that you politely decline a request for a recorded statement. The fact is that people often make mistakes when they give recorded statements, which is exactly what the insurance company wants. A mistake you make during a statement can harm your case and reduce your chances of obtaining the compensation you deserve. For example, if you are so stressed out that you begin getting the timeline wrong, or certain details do not match up with the police report, this might make you appear dishonest. Instead of falling into this trap, always refuse to provide a recorded statement.
  • Telling the at-fault party’s insurance company about your injuries: After an accident, the at-fault party’s insurance company will undoubtedly ask if you were injured during the accident and they will want you to explain any injuries in great detail. You should not answer questions regarding your injuries this early in the claims process or without at least consulting your personal injury attorney first. You might not know the extent of your injuries at this point, so any answers you provide will likely be inaccurate. You and your attorney will later discuss your injuries in a demand letter once you have reached the point of maximum medical improvement.
  • Not seeing a doctor right away: People often fail to seek medical assistance in the immediate aftermath of an accident. Oftentimes, people feel fine at first and then later experience the symptoms of their injuries, which might worsen over time, especially in the absence of appropriate medical treatment. Make sure you seek medical attention right away, even if you feel fine. This will create a paper trail, proving that you were seen by a medical professional after the accident, reducing the likelihood of the insurance company trying to claim that your injuries were caused by something other than the accident.

Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys in Marysville

If you sustained injuries in a motor vehicle accident that was caused by someone else’s negligent or careless actions, you need a skilled legal advocate on your side to fight for the compensation you deserve and need during this difficult time. At Bridges, Jillisky, Weller & Gullifer, LLC in Marysville, our skilled team of personal injury attorneys is dedicated to fighting on behalf of the wrongfully injured and will do what it takes to ensure the responsible party is held liable for their actions.

Get started on your personal injury case today and reach out to our law firm at (937) 403-9033 to request your free initial case evaluation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys.
