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Injuries in the Mining Industry


Types of Injuries in the Mining Industry

Mining is a work industry that comes with a high risk of injury. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 10,200 nonfatal work injuries and illnesses in the private mining sector in 2017. In addition, not only can mining result in illness, but it can also result in death in severe scenarios.

It is crucial to be aware of the most common injuries in the mining sector in order to understand the risks involved in this industry. By staying informed, we can work towards reducing the number of accidents and injuries in the mining field.

Types of Mining Injuries

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the following injuries are common among miners:

  • Sprains and strains: Over the past decade, the mining industry has seen a significant number of workplace injuries due to sprains and strains. These types of injuries accounted for nearly half of all reported incidents, with an average of 816 injuries per year. The impact on worker health and productivity cannot be underestimated, particularly when considering that these ailments frequently affect the back and shoulders.
  • Fractures: Bone fractures are another common type of injury in the mining industry, making up 13.8% of all workplace injuries, according to the decade-long study. This amounts to a staggering 2,292 fractures per year. These injuries are often the result of accidents involving heavy machinery or falls from elevated areas. While some fractures may be minor and easily treated, others can lead to long-term health complications.
  • Lacerations: Injuries related to lacerations, cuts, and punctures account for 11% of all reported incidents. This amounts to around 1829 injuries per year, highlighting the importance of proper safety measures when using hand tools. These tools were revealed as the primary sources of hand and finger injury in another study, indicating the need for caution and awareness in their use.
  • Respiratory diseases: Miners are constantly exposed to respirable dust, which can lead to a number of health issues. One of the most concerning is pneumoconiosis, a lung disease that results from inhaling fine particles of dust. If left untreated, this disease can cause serious damage to the lungs and lead to other complications. Additionally, miners who have been exposed to diesel exhaust for prolonged periods of time face an increased risk of developing lung cancer.
  • Death: Mining-related fatalities have decreased over the years, but the reality remains that the dangers of mining continue to threaten workers. Numerous accidents can occur in mining operations, such as falling, rolling, sliding, rock or material, crushing, or asphyxia. It is crucial to maintain safety measures in mining to avoid these unfortunate incidents.

Mining Safety

Employers in the mining industry must prioritize the health and safety of their employees. This is a legal requirement as noted in the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977. Under this law, employers are accountable for the following:

  • Develop and continuously update a written emergency response plan every six months.
  • Training employees on health and safety regulations.
  • Providing a safe work environment that is free from hazards and risks.

There are only a few of the requirements of mining employers. It is crucial that employers do their part to protect their mining employees, as their well-being is of the utmost importance. However, if there is negligence involved or perhaps a product malfunction, your employer or a manufacturer may be held responsible for your injuries.

Contact Our Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

If you’ve been injured on the job, don't hesitate to contact us at Bridges, Jillisky, Weller & Gullifer, LLC. Our experienced workers' compensation lawyers can help you pursue the benefits you're entitled to, such as wage loss benefits, medical care, temporary or permanent disability payments, and more.

Call us at (937) 403-9033 or get in touch with us online to learn how we can help.
